분류 전체보기 (49) 썸네일형 리스트형 特定デジタルプラットフォームの透明性及び公正性の向上に関する法律 Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Digital Platforms PDF (JP & EN) (which can be dubbed "Japan's P2B Regulation") Misaki Sumida, 'Digital Platform Regulation in Japan - Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Digital Platforms (TFDPA)' (Seoul Workshop - Looking at Fairness and Antitrust Through the Lens of ASBP, Dec 16, 2022) 目次 (Table of Contents) 第一章 総則(第一条―第三条)(Chapter I Gene.. 대규모유통업에서의 거래 공정화에 관한 법률 (대규모유통업법) Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business ('Large Retailer Business Act') Full Text Articles 1, 2, and 2-2: Purpose, definitions, and legal fiction of "large retailer" Article 3: Scope (by which the law excludes non-asymmetric situations from its scope) Article 4: Relationship with other rules Articles 5-19: Obligations (dos and dons) Articles 20-28: Dispute resolutions Articles 29-38: P.. 지멘스㈜ 및 지멘스헬시니어스㈜의 거래상지위남용행위 등에 대한 건 (2022. 8. 10) Korea Fair Trade Commission, Decision of 10 August 2022, Siemens and Siemens Healthineers, No. 2022-211 (emphasis added) 지멘스㈜ 및 지멘스헬시니어스㈜의 거래상지위남용행위 등에 대한 건 [ 제 2 소 회 의, 의 결 제 2022 - 211호, 공정거래위원회 ] 【결정요지】 사건번호 : 2018서감0572 사건명 : 지멘스㈜ 및 지멘스헬시니어스㈜의 거래상지위남용행위 등에 대한 건 피 심 인 : 1. 지멘스 주식회사 서울 종로구 종로3길 17(청진동) 대표이사 정** 2. 지멘스헬시니어스 주식회사 서울 서초구 서초대로74길 14, 10층(서초동, 더에셋) 대표이사 이** 위 피심인들의 대리인 법무법인 태평양 담당변.. 전기통신사업법 제50조 제1항 제9호-제11호 (구글 인앱결제 방지법) Korean App Store Act Articles 50(1)(9)-(11) of the Telecommunications Business Act (locally dubbed "Anti-Google Act" or "Google In-App Purchase Prevention Act"); Article 42 of the Enforcement Decree (which delegates power to the competent authority to set out specific types of conduct violating the law by means of annexing tables and/or publishing a notice) Table 4 (annexed to the Enforcement De.. 優越的地位の濫用に関する独占禁止法上の考え方 (2010) Japan Fair Trade Commission, 'Guidelines Concerning Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position under the Antimonopoly Act' (Nov 30, 2010) (Original text) 優越的地位の濫用に関する独占禁止法上の考え方 平成22年11月30日 公 正 取 引 委 員 会 改正 平成29年 6月16日 はじめに ㅤ優越的地位の濫用は,私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律(昭和22年法 律第54号。以下「独占禁止法」という。)において,不公正な取引方法の一つとして禁止 されている。優越的地位の濫用の規定は,独占禁止法の一部を改正する法律(平成21年 法律第51号。以下「独占禁止法改正法」という。)によって,独占禁止法第2条第9項第 5号として法定化された(注1.. Closing the Investigation on the Suspected Violation of the Antimonopoly Act by Rakuten Group, Inc. Announcement of 6 December 2021, Rakuten (termination of the investigation) (EN) Closing the Investigation on the Suspected Violation of the Antimonopoly Act by Rakuten Group, Inc. December 6, 2021 Japan Fair Trade Commission The Japan Fair Trade Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “JFTC”) filed a petition for an urgent injunction to the Tokyo District Court on February 28, 2020, in accor.. (令和3年12月6日)楽天グループ株式会社に対する独占禁止法違反被疑事件の処理について Announcement of 6 December 2021, Rakuten (termination of the investigation) (EN) (令和3年12月6日)楽天グループ株式会社に対する独占禁止法違反被疑事件の処理について 令和3年12月6日 公正取引委員会 公正取引委員会は,楽天グループ株式会社(以下「楽天」という。)が,楽天が運営するオンラインモール「楽天市場」に出店している出店事業者に対し,「共通の送料込みライン」(注1)を令和2年3月18日から一律に導入することを通知するなどしたことから,同年2月28日,東京地方裁判所に対し,楽天が「共通の送料込みライン」を一律に導入することの一時停止を求め,独占禁止法第70条の4第1項の規定に基づいて緊急停止命令の申立てを行った。 こうした中,楽天は,同年3月6日,店舗の選択により「共通の送料込みライン」の適用対象外.. 서울고등법원 2019. 2. 13 선고 2017누86226 판결 (서원유통) Seoul High Court, Decision 2017Nu86226 delivered on February 13, 2019 (Seowon) (Source: LAWnB) * The KFTC's appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court. (emphasis added) 재판경과 대법원 2019. 7. 11 선고 2019두37202 판결 서울고등법원 2019. 2. 13 선고 2017누86226 판결 전 문 원고 주식회사 A 소송대리인 법무법인(유한) 동인 담당변호사 엄기섭, 장시원, 여운국 피고 공정거래위원회 소송대리인 법무법인 지선 담당변호사 강지현, 이승열 변론종결 2019. 1. 16. 판결선고 2019. 2. 13. 주 문 1. 원고의 청구를 기각한다. 2. 소송비용은.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 7 다음