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Judgment of 19 January 2023, Unilever Italia Mkt. Operations, C-680/20, EU:C:2023:33 (Unilever) Judgment of 19 January 2023, Unilever Italia Mkt. Operations, C-680/20, EU:C:2023:33 (Unilever) CURIA LINK Key takeaways Q. Does the 2017 Intel judgment apply only to rebate schemes, or to (non-pricing) exclusivity dealing as well? A. Applicable to all exclusive practices. ... 50 It is true that, in providing that second clarification, the Court referred only to rebate schemes. However, since bo..
Judgment of 12 January 2023, Lietuvos geležinkeliai v Commission, C‑42/21 P, EU:C:2023:12 (Lithuanian Railways) Judgment of 12 January 2023, Lietuvos geležinkeliai v Commission, C‑42/21 P, EU:C:2023:12 (Lithuanian Railways) CURIA LINK Key takeaways Q. What does Bronner concern? When does the case apply? A. It concerns a situation where a dominant firm makes an infrastructure (indispensable) not accessible for its own use. So, when the firm (does not own the infrastructure and) removes the entire infrastru..
Judgment of 6 Sep 2017, Intel v Commission, C-413/14P, EU:C:2017:632 Judgment of 6 Sep 2017, Intel v Commission, C-413/14P, EU:C:2017:632 CURIA LINK Key takeaways Q. Key paragraphs? A. Paras 133-136 (competition on the merits); para 137 (loyalty rebates); paras 138-139 (the need for an in-depth analysis into the capability; some procedural obligations of the Commission); para 140 (justifications); and paras 141-144 (application) ...133 In that respect, it must be..
Judgment of 12 May 2022, Servizio Elettrico Nazionale and Others, C‑377-20, EU:C:2022:379 (Servizio or ENEL) Judgment of 12 May 2022, Servizio Elettrico Nazionale and Others, C‑377-20, EU:C:2022:379 (Servizio or ENEL) CURIA LINK Key takeaways Q. What's the objective of the EU's competition rules? A. It's to protect competitive process, rather than consumer welfare (stricto sensu), albeit being subject to efficiency considerations. ... 47 Therefore, a competition authority discharges its burden of proof..